STATUS: ❤ It is a general truism of this world that anything long divided will surely unite, and anything long united will surely divide 話說天下大勢,分久必合,合久必分 - Romance of Three Kingdoms
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Thursday, 19 April 2012

King2Hearts Episode 8 Review

The episode starts off in a very melancholic mood when the New King, Jae Ha arrives at the palace. He reminisces about his brother and assumes his duty as the king of South Korea. 

The Chief Secretary then finds out the cause of the King’s death from one of the investigators. The carbon monoxide poisoning was caused by a blocked up chimney which contained charcoal. He then realizes his dreadful mistake in telling the American sponsor the location of the King’s vacation retreat. He receives a message from Mayer  and stays away from the prince for sometime. 

Meanwhile, the Princess wakes up but can not remember what had occurred. She then discovers that she is paralyzed

The King (Jae Ha)  then speaks to the CS about his suspicion of his brother’s death & the princess’ incident. The CS states that he is the cause of the King’s death for not having a thorough inspection done regarding the chimney. Je Ha decides to keep the CS in his service as punishment. The CS receives a phone call from JM who says that he received a bribe (Beatles record) to disclose the King’s location

Hang Ah in the meantime, is doing duties previously done by the King’s mother who forbade her from doing anything. Hang Ah meets Jae Ha who sends her to see his sister.  His mother banned Hang Ah from seeing the princess while she was away. The Princess was unable to tend to herself and Hang Ah helped her (against her request). Everything goes well and the mother seems to begin to accept Hang Ah by teaching her the favourite dish. 

The funeral of the late king & his wife takes place and it is a very emotional scene. 

Hang Ah tries to cheer up Jae Ha by inviting him to dine with her in her room. They end up sharing a few laughs and then an emotional moment when he realizes that he hung up on his brother just before he died. They both spend the night together. 

The Chief secretary receives a call from John Mayer stating that he is returning to Korea (even though the previous king banned him until the next year). He has a meeting with Jae Ha at the end of the episode.


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